This is getting weird...............
The media around the world are getting wildly excited about the expedition, just as the supply of news is beginning to dry up! Yesterday we got a double page spread in The Independent, and today we have been on the BBC Online website...

The problem that we have is a technical one. We received this email from Chris Moiser earlier today:
"Hi, Power off all day and the internet people do not use the computers on their own generators (too dangerous voltage surge)".
As the world becomes more technical, and we find that we are living in one great multimedia circus, sometimes it is easy to forget that the vast majority of the human race are not able to make instantaeneous contact with one another. Even at the CFZ it is easy to forget that even two and three years ago during the Sumatra expedition, the boys were out of touch for the entire time they were there. I had a telephpne call from Richard on arrival at Singapore airport on both the outwards and return journeys and that was it! This time life has been much easier...
But it's so bloody frustrating! And it is so easy to misinterpret what the expedition is actually doing. Take Bungalow Beach for example. The bulletins suggest that the area where `Gambo` was buried has been built over completely. But has it? We only have one way communication with the boys (and girls), and whilst this certainly seems likeley, we don't know whether they have managed (or are going to manage)to do some exploratory digging or not...
And the interview with Baka, that I posted earlier. As one correspondent so writely says, this proves that dead and dying animals (including a large cetacean without a back fin) do, indeed, get washed up on that beach. But was it the same incident? Is there any way of telling?
Until the team, return next week, the answer is sadly, NO.
Until then, I suggest that you do what me and Mark are doing back at CFZ Mission Control. Pour yourself a Margarita, sit back and enjoy the ride....

The problem that we have is a technical one. We received this email from Chris Moiser earlier today:
"Hi, Power off all day and the internet people do not use the computers on their own generators (too dangerous voltage surge)".
As the world becomes more technical, and we find that we are living in one great multimedia circus, sometimes it is easy to forget that the vast majority of the human race are not able to make instantaeneous contact with one another. Even at the CFZ it is easy to forget that even two and three years ago during the Sumatra expedition, the boys were out of touch for the entire time they were there. I had a telephpne call from Richard on arrival at Singapore airport on both the outwards and return journeys and that was it! This time life has been much easier...
But it's so bloody frustrating! And it is so easy to misinterpret what the expedition is actually doing. Take Bungalow Beach for example. The bulletins suggest that the area where `Gambo` was buried has been built over completely. But has it? We only have one way communication with the boys (and girls), and whilst this certainly seems likeley, we don't know whether they have managed (or are going to manage)to do some exploratory digging or not...
And the interview with Baka, that I posted earlier. As one correspondent so writely says, this proves that dead and dying animals (including a large cetacean without a back fin) do, indeed, get washed up on that beach. But was it the same incident? Is there any way of telling?
Until the team, return next week, the answer is sadly, NO.
Until then, I suggest that you do what me and Mark are doing back at CFZ Mission Control. Pour yourself a Margarita, sit back and enjoy the ride....
I just found this blog through the BBC News site. What a fascinating search, it will be interesting to see what, if anything, is discovered.
Fascinating stuff. I cannot help but point you to some of my own research that dwells firmly in my cheek. The Rock Nest Monster may be related to the beast you seek in The Gambia.
Yet me to guess its not going to be so quite from now on but will watch with intrest, pour one for me. :)
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